Leinster Social Bowling Competitions

The social bowling competitions currently run from October to March. The competitions are open to all members of the club and to those who avail of  winter membership at Leinster. The competitions consist of rinks on Wednesdays and triples on Fridays and are played from 11am to 1:30pm. Session One is run over 8 weeks to Christmas and Session Two is run over 8 weeks to Easter. A third competition, named the Easter Competition was played on Wednesdays & Fridays from Easter to the end of the season. There is a prize giving event and buffet at the end of each session.

Wednesday Rinks

Name Score
ABC xxx
ABC  xxx
Number of players participating =


Friday Triples

Name Score
ABC xxx
DEF  xxx
Number of players participating = xx


Easter Competition

Name Score
ABC xxx
DEF  xxx
Number of players participating = xx