Leinster Cricket Club Annual General Meeting
Dear Member,
AGM – Friday 21st March 2025
Please note the 2025 AGM of Leinster Cricket Club will take place on Friday 21st March, at 7.30pm in the Clubhouse. Please make every effort to attend and participate in the running of the club.
The Club Rules set the following timetable:
Thursday 15th Feb – last day for Nominations to the Executive Committee
Friday 28th Feb- last day for receipt of Motions (must be be proposed and seconded)
Friday 7th March – Notification of valid Nominations and Motions received.
All Ordinary, Honorary, Life, Pavilion, Taverner and Student Members are eligible to stand for all vacant positions on the Executive Committee.
This year a number of the positions of Ordinary Member and Officer positions will become vacant. The positions open for election will be notified to members shortly. If you would like an informal discussion about any aspect of serving on the Committee, please do not hesitate to contact Paul in the office, myself or any current Officer or Committee Member.
Formal nominations and motions to be sent to admin@lccsports.net
Best wishes,
Catherine Clarke
Honorary Secretary