Winter Membership is available to players from other clubs who may wish to play on our synthetic bowling green from 1 October to 31 March 2015.
The subscription for the 6 months is € 100. Winter Members are eligible and welcome to play on our Winter League Teams (Saturday mornings). Would returning Winter Members who wish to play for Leinster, contact Ron Prince prior to the joining date of 1 October. Winter Members are welcome to play in our Winter Social Competitions which commence on Wednesday 1 October & Friday 3 October. Enrolment is not later than 10.45 am, matches start at 11.00 am. and finish between 1.00 – 1.30 pm. Maximum 14 ends are played. Winter Members are eligible to play in our proposed Thursday nights Winter Bowling Competitions under Floodlights and in the Indoor Bowling League. See further details in “EVENTS CALENDAR”.